byebye covid


Welcome to the English version of Bye Bye Covid

The coronavirus solution they don’t want you to know…


Put a STOP to the Coronavirus epidemic right now

Bye bye Covid is more than a book, they are shocking stories told by contributors mostly doctors, military and journalists who testify from the first line an irrefutable reality, that those in power do not want you to know.

They are not only stories, they are hundreds of thousands of lives saved and the solution to this senseless plandemia that we are all suffering, we can make a change by saving lives together, as this book is indicated for those who have doubts about the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide (CDS).

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There is nothing like saving a life, we can, and this book is living proof

There is nothing like saving a life, we can, and this book is the living proof, irrefutable, and irrefutable, which also contains scientific studies conducted in humans, and published in 2021, showing an overwhelming efficacy above 99%, with no negative side effects.
It is a reality that the official and mass media do not want to recognize, this knowledge saves lives, you can be part of this great movement.

If you are one of the lucky ones whose life has been changed for the better by CDS, now is the time to return the favor, be part of this great movement and save lives by giving this book to those who do not know or doubt it.